BI Training with Eugene Meidinger

I’ve known Eugene Meidinger (SQLGene) for a number of years and we share a lot of interests outside of technology. We’re both avid boardgame and card game players, though I steer away from the collectable card games nowadays because my spare hobby money goes into a “plastic crack” addiction known as Warhammer.

If you’ve looked at the Pluralsight catalog, you’ve probably seen his name as he has a number of courses on Business Intelligence on that platform (with a total rating of 4.7 out of 5). He also has a channel on YouTube with several videos added recently. Now he has branched off and started to record independent training content, which you can find and gain access to at The first module, Performance Tuning Strategy, of his first course, Identifying and Solving Performance Issues in Power BI, is up.

If you’re wondering if his content is worth your hard earned money, that first module is currently free! You can preview the five videos which make up Module 1. Can’t go wrong with that. Enrollment for the full course starts February 5th.

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