Rescheduled Performance Troubleshooting Webinar

With Hurricane Florence no longer a hurricane, we have rescheduled the webinar for next Wednesday, September 26, 2018.

Free sign up for the webinar!

Here is what I’ll be covering:

How do go about finding poorly performing SQL Server queries in your environment? And once you find them, what can you do about them?

In this webinar, I will show you the built-in functionality within SQL Server that will help you identify these problem queries on your system. We’ll also look at some cases where SQL Server is collecting data which may reveal an issue even if you don’t happen to catch the query in flight. Finally, we’ll look at the steps to tuning those queries so your overall system will perform better.

Midlands PASS Reboot!

If you’re in or near the Columbia, SC area, we are rebooting the Midlands PASS Chapter. Here is our first meeting information.

Oct 2, 2018

5:30 PM – Meet & Greet
6-8 PM – Technical Presentation by K. Brian Kelley


440 Knox Abbott Drive Suite 425
Columbia/Cayce, SC 29033


Please RSVP if you’re able to attend:

Midlands PASS – RSVP Link


Since this is a restart, we don’t have a member list. Please share that we are restarting.

Thursday Webinar Postponed due to Hurricane Florence

Hello! The webinar I was going to give this coming Thursday with has been postponed. When we have a new date, I will post on here. Unfortunately, it’s hurricane season here in the United States and we have a monster one bearing down on the East Coast. If you’re in the projected area, please stay safe!